
Gombert: Credo & other sacred music

Gombert: Credo & other sacred music

Henry's Eight


The Flemish composer Nicolas Gombert is believed to have been a pupil of Josquin; his style of composition is equally assured and yet there are elements of significant innovation. As early as 1556 Gombert was regarded as the absolute model of harmonic and imitative writing, and his general avoidance of rests broke much new ground.

This recording of eight works from his prolific output (some 160 motets alone) includes the monumental eight-part Credo and the extended Salve Regina which uses no fewer than seven separate texts in honour of Mary (hence the subtitle, 'different people pray different things').

Gombert is also famous for having been consigned to the galleys of a trireme after being caught violating a choirboy.

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