
Tchaikovsky: Piano Sonatas

Tchaikovsky: Piano Sonatas

Leslie Howard (piano)


Although only one, the last to be written, of Tchaikovsky's piano sonatas was published during his lifetime, there are, strictly speaking, three such works.

The single-movement F minor work of 1863/4 was abandoned incomplete and untitled, though the composer was later to reuse some of the material; it here receives a rare performance—and its first recording—in a version completed by Leslie Howard.

The second sonata to be composed (it was published posthumously, accounting for the apparently late Opus number) adopts the more typical four-movement structure, and while it would not do to make exaggerated claims for the work, it is a good deal better than its critics frequently allow.

The third sonata, the only one to have remained firmly in the repertoire, is a major work whose felicities are numerous and memorable, offering the pianist an opportunity to revel in Tchaikovsky's broad palette of sound.

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