
Stojowski: Piano Music

Stojowski: Piano Music

Jonathan Plowright (piano)


The Polish romantic composer Sigismond Stojowski is currently enjoying a welcome revival, thanks largely to Jonathan Plowright and Hyperion. Sumptuously lyrical, intensely chromatic, by turns poetic and dramatic, this music deserves to be better known. Jonathan Plowright has a natural affinity for Polish romanticism, and he has already proved his mettle with this composer in his enthusiastically received recording of Stojowski’s piano concertos. His imperious performances on this follow-up selection of solo piano music confirm him as this composer’s ideal advocate.

As well as the large-scale Fantasie, and Variations and Fugue, this disc includes charming miniatures such as Caprice oriental, once a favourite of Josef Hofmann, and Chant d’amour, Stojowski’s most famous piece during his lifetime thanks to the performances of Paderewski.

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