
Mahler: Des Knaben Wunderhorn

Mahler: Des Knaben Wunderhorn

Stephan Genz (baritone), Roger Vignoles (piano)


Roger Vignoles writes in his booklet notes that ‘to enter the world of Mahler’s Wunderhorn songs is like opening a picture book. Each page gives us another character, another fairy tale, another episode, whether happy or tragic, in the tale of human existence … such is the consistency of its musical tone that Mahler achieves a remarkably intense evocation of human life in this collection, portrayed with empathy, humour and compassion’.

Some of these celebrated songs are much more familiar in their orchestral versions and pose a great challenge to the pianist. However the piano’s capacity for quasi-orchestral sonorities and textures was an essential element in the evolution of the Lied as an art form, allowing as it did for a far wider range of symbolic reference than would have been possible with any other accompanying instrument, and Roger Vignoles achieves a great level of intimacy within this framework.

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